12 people caught driving with twice the legal blood alcohol limit
Posted Dec 5, 2024 01:21:07 PM.
Last Updated Dec 5, 2024 01:27:00 PM.
Halifax Regional Police (HRP) laid dozens of charges in November after catching several people driving impaired.
According to data shared by the force, 37 drivers were charged with impaired-related offences; of that, 23 were charged with drinking and driving and four were charged due to drugs. Members of the public called in 11 drivers who were under the influence.
“If you see a potential impaired driver, call 911 immediately and give the call taker your location along with a description of the vehicle, including the licence plate number, colour, make and model, the direction of travel for the vehicle and a description of the driver,” HRP said in a press release.
Police noted that of the drivers who provided breath samples, 12 of them were driving with twice the legal blood alcohol limit. Other ranges of concentrations from 80 to 270 milligrams per cent. Three refused breath samples.
Ten people were issued driving suspensions for operation of conveyance while having consumed alcohol.
The latest statistics paint a common picture that police are facing. According to older data by HRP, officers have been routinely stopping around 30 drivers on average over the last several months.
In September, police caught and charged 34 people, in July it was 29 drivers and in May a total of 39 people.
Police told CityNews that statistics on impaired driving vary from year to year, which is a result of many factors.
“I can (say) that we do continue to detect and catch impaired drivers on a regular basis throughout our region and all times of the day,” Constable John MacLeod, with HRP, said in a previous email.
He said blood concentrations of 270 mg per cent, or higher, are not uncommon.
“We know that impaired driving causes an unnecessary risk to public safety and it is a priority of the Halifax Regional Police to take these dangerous drivers off our roadways.”