Harper in New Brunswick to open border crossing

Prime Minister Stephen Harper was in southern New Brunswick Friday and he stood by his decision to prorogue parliament.

Premier Shawn Graham along with other dignitaries joined Harper to mark the official opening of the first new border crossing in Atlantic Canada in 30 years.

Funding from both levels of government made it possible, and the new facility will alleviate long waits and traffic congestion in the small town of St. Stephen.


Harper answered a handful of questions from the media and insisted decision to prorogue parliament was needed.

“We also need time to re-examine our agenda and prepare for the next year of parliament and to prepare for a very different economy going forward,” said Harper.

“One that that on the one hand I think we’re going to see a recovery, we’ve seen stabilization in the last few months, we’re going to see a recovery.”

Meanwhile despite some grim numbers concerning unemployment he thinks the economic outlook will improve in the coming months.