Truth and Reconciliation Commission update: Bamoseda report

This week on Bamoseda: Friday, Oct. 1

Bamoseda, hosted by Jennifer Ashawasegai, is an Aboriginal news magazine radio program, which features national Aboriginal news, current affairs, features on community and culture, spotlights on entertainment and a cross section of musical genres from very talented artists in the Aboriginal community.


Truth and Reconciliation Commissioner Chief Wilson Littlechild was not impressed with a Canadian Delegation to the United Nations Human Rights Council, who were asking for unacceptable omissions on the renewal of the Indigenous Rights Special Rapporteur.


The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has reached year one of its five-year mandate to collect statements from victims of residential schools. Commissioner Justice Murray Sinclair said the path to reconciliation in Canada is a long road.

The Aboriginal Financial Officers of Canada has recently marked its tenth anniversary. And in the future, AFO President Ernie Daniels would like to see an Aboriginal public service sector.

The Far North Act has passed into legislation in Ontario, and the Nishnawbe Aski Nation will continue its fight against the imposed legislation.

The mother of a former female inmate in Oklahoma is looking for donations of cassette tapes of traditional music for inmate at the Mabel Bassett Correctional Facility in Oklahoma. Glenda Deer said the music helps give the women a sense of connection to their homes.



Arlette Alcock – “Joyride” (CANCON)
Kimberly Dawn – “Bone Digger” (CANCON)
Digawolf – “The North” (CANCON)