Couple offering 2 free tickets to Garth Brooks concert that sold out in 1 minute

CALGARY – They could potentially make a pretty penny scalping two tickets to a Garth Brooks concert that sold out in about a minute on the weekend.

But Michalle Lemanne and her boyfriend Matt Lamb have decided to give away the spare pair to the July 12 show at the Calgary Saddledome.

They say in an ad on Kijiji that they’ll give the tickets to the fans they deem most deserving, based on emails sent to them by the end of May.


The couple are part of a group that bought the maximum six tickets, but only needed four in the end.

The quick sellout has led to a storm of criticism aimed at ticket re-sellers.

One ad on Kijiji is offering to sell floor seats to the concert at $1,500 a pop.

(CHQR, CFFR, The Canadian Press)