N.S. gas prices drop

Nova Scotians are waking up to lower gas prices this morning.

The price of a litre of regular self-serve dropped overnight by 3.2 cents a litre, selling in Metro Halifax at $126.8. That means a 50-litre fill-up is $1.60 cheaper today than it was Thursday.

The news isn’t as good for diesel users with the price of diesel up by two cents a litre, now selling for $132.8.


Last year, Nova Scotia drivers were paying $1.20/litre for gas and $1.33 for diesel.

In New Brunswick, the price of regular self-serve dipped by 1.7 cents per litre when the Energy and Utilities Board made its price adjustment Thursday. That put the maximum price for gas at $126.8. Diesel went also up 0.7 cents.

Furnace oil increased by 0.2 cents while propane dipped 0.2 cents.