Polish authorities halt meat processing at plant suspected of using rotten meat

WARSAW, Poland – Polish inspectors on Friday halted meat processing at a plant in northern Poland after a television program alleged that it was adding rotten meat to its products.

TVN24 showed footage of green-colored sausages at the plant, while an anonymous worker was heard saying they would be cleaned, dried and added to new products. Another man said that tons of old meat were added to new products instead of being destroyed.

Deputy chief veterinarian Krzysztof Jazdzewski told The Associated Press Friday that inspectors immediately went to the plant and closed its meat processing section. A thorough inspection has been started at the plant, which, he said was called “Viola.” The plant exports to European Union markets.


TVN24 later said that the management of the plant in question has denied that stale meat has ever been added to its products.

“There are no grounds for the allegations,” TVN24 quoted from a letter that was signed by Krzysztof Miecinski, identified as the president of the board of managers.

Jazdzewski could not immediately confirm TVN24’s allegations but said the program showed procedures that violate the law and that could be harmful to consumers. It showed old meat stored together with fresh meat, which usually leads to bacterial contamination of the fresh meat and of the entire storage area. Another problem he heard mentioned in the program was that processed meat was frozen and then de-frosted.

Jazdzewski said there have been no signals previously of irregularities at the plant and that a separate investigation has been opened to explain that.