Just Us! coffee shop just days away from closing

Another business is closing its doors on Barrington Street.

The Just Us! coffee shop will stop serving coffee on Wednesday.

Co-owner Debra Moore said the coffee chain has been struggling financially with that location, and has exhausted all resources to keep it afloat.


“We have considerable loses, and so we at some point in time as a business have to make the tough decisions,” she said.

The coffee shop has been on Barrington Street for almost ten years. It moved into the old Peep Show store with the hopes that the bigger space would bring in more business, but Moore said there are a lot of coffee shops in downtown Halifax, which isn’t good for any barista,

“Unfortunately I think it’s just spreading those sales too thin and so I’m sure it’s difficult for a lot of the coffee shops,” she explained.

Moore added she’s considering opening another Just Us! coffee shop elsewhere, but she won’t be exploring that idea until the spring.

Two full-time employees and one part-timer have been laid off.