Jump in crosswalk incidents catches attention of City Hall

There have been two more crosswalk accidents in Halifax in the past 24 hours, bringing this year’s total to 31.

So far, the crosswalk safety advisory committee has asked the transportation standing committee to research the feasibility of painting zebra striped crosswalks.

Councillor Darren Fisher tells News 95.7 the committee will bring several other ideas to council in the new year.


“We’re working on a plan to send a report to the transportation standing committee with a plethora of suggestions,” he says, adding a focus on educating the public about crosswalk safety is needed.

“I would like to see an increase in enforcement first of all,” explains Fisher. “I would like to see a crosswalk safety awareness day once a year held through schools, elementary schools especially.”

Fisher said the report should make it to council by late spring.