NSLC launches “Cabbioke” campaign for responsible holiday drinking

The Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation is launching a new campaign to promote responsible drinking and planning ahead as we head into the holiday season.

NSLC spokesman Mike Maloney told News 95.7 the new “Cabbioke” commercial campaign will start up on Monday.

“We custom built — or custom outfitted I guess you could say — a minivan and turned it into a cab with a karaoke bar inside.”


He said some lucky passengers will be the stars of television ads that will start airing after the weekend.

“A few weeks ago, we went out on a Friday and Saturday night around HRM and picked up unsuspecting partygoers out there,” he said. “And we surprised them and said ‘you get a free ride home if you want to do something fun,’ so they took us up on the offer and the result will be seen in commercials over the new few weeks.”

He said the idea behind the “Cabbioke” is to promote safe drinking and getting home safe over the holidays.

“If you’re going to go out, make sure you have a responsible way to get home, and take care of yourself, and those you care about.”

The “Cabbioke” will be making appearances at different events and NSLC stores over the next few weeks.


It will also be featured in tomorrow’s Parade of Lights in Downtown Halifax.

*An earlier version of this article incorrectly referred to the NSLC as the Nova Scotia Liquor Commission. It’s the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation.*