Unsafe turf forces Battle for New Scotland venue change

HALIFAX–The venue for a rugby match between Team Canada and the Glasgow Warriors set for Saturday, August 27 has been changed.

Sports and Entertainment Atlantic’s Derek Martin says despite their efforts to ensure the Wanderers Grounds turf would be ready for the Battle for New Scotland event, upon inspection, rugby officials deemed it unsafe for the players involved.

As a result, the event has been moved to Graves-Oakley Memorial Park Field in Spryfield.


Martin says since tickets were purchased online, everyone who bought one would have recived an email when the news came out Wednesday.

Organizers are working with Metro Transit to secure a number of buses to offer a shuttle service between downtown Halifax and the new Spryfield venue.

Additionally, Martin says they are offering full refunds to anyone who decides they no longer wish to attend the event, with refund requests being accepted up to 11:59 pm on Friday August 28.

For more information visit seatlantic.ca.