Councillors receive a number of snow clearing complaints after Wednesday’s storm
Posted Jan 14, 2016 05:49:37 AM.
Last Updated Jan 14, 2016 05:51:18 AM.
This article is more than 5 years old.
HALIFAX – A number of HRM Councillors shared complaints about the latest round of snow clearing within the Municipality at Wednesday’s Committee of the Whole, despite the issue not being on the agenda.
Winter operations became a topic of conversation after councillors discussed the large number of complaints they had received after Wednesday’s early morning storm.
“For this little storm, I was quite taken aback by how much feedback there was,” said Bedford Coun. Tim Outhit, who said his office received about 150 emails and phone calls from those complaining of missed areas and other problems in his district.
“I’m particularly concerned about some areas in the ravines in Eaglewood and the waterfront that were missed … I’m working with the contractor on this, who is a great company.”
Outhit has concerns with performance-based standards that have been put in place in his district as well, rather than the hour-based standards done with previous city crews.
Lower Sackville Councillor Steve Craig took to Facebook on Wednesday to vent his frustration as well, relaying what he has heard from residents in his district.
“I am very disappointed with the snow clearing delivery in Lower Sackville for specifically what is called cut-throughs,” Craig said, referencing when a single lane is plowed in a street to allow access until a full curb-to-curb plow can be done.
“I thank the many residents who, through phone calls, emails, and social media commented on this very thing and want answers. I too want answers.”
Coun. Matt Whitman tells Metro Halifax that given these complaints, the city needs to do a better job explaining service standards to residents.
“You can’t complain until 12 hours on a main street and 24 hours on a side street,” he told Metro outside of Wednesday’s meeting.
Craig said after meeting with Halifax Mayor Mike Savage on the issue late Wednesday afternoon, given those standards, if your street is not cleared by 8:40 a.m. Thursday, contact 311 and let them know.