Names and photos of Cornwallis protesters posted to social media by Alt-right group

HALIFAX – An alt-right group in the province has posted a list of people who shared their interest in removing the Edward Cornwallis statue this past weekend.

The list was published on social media last week ahead of the Saturday’s protest, and released the personal information of 28 people.

Along with the names and pictures of protesters, the list included occupation, contact info, and known associates.


According to the group’s Twitter page, they describe themselves as national socialists, and even described some of the protesters as “mentally ill and unstable”.

Former poet laureate and local activist El Jones was one of those listed, and told NEWS 95.7 she believes its important not to give people with extremist views too much power.

“We know that they represent a very small percentage of people and the vast majority of people object to this kind of thing,” said Jones.

Jones said she feels that this is a scare tactic that the group hopes will silence people, and sees this as a threat.

“The very fact that there is attempts to name people and list them has to suggest that there is some kind of danger to this as there are attempts to terrorize people.”


Jones believes its very important for people, especially those outside indigenous communities, to step up and speak out against this kind of ‘extremist rhetoric’.