Flashing lights in ‘Incredibles 2’ prompt warnings for people at risk of seizures

TORONTO – Cineplex theatres showing “Incredibles 2” have posted health-related warnings to moviegoers about Disney’s animated feature, which opened on the weekend.

Cineplex spokeswoman Sarah Van Lange says the theatres posted warnings about scenes containing flashing lights that could trigger seizures in some people with epilepsy.

The warnings from Disney read: “Incredibles 2 contains a sequence of flashing lights which may affect customers who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy or other photo sensitivities.”


In about three per cent of people with epilepsy, visual stimulation such as flashing lights or moving patterns can trigger seizures.

The World Health Organization says epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases, affecting about 50 million people around the globe.

In 1997, flashing lights in the TV cartoon “Pokemon” were linked to more than 600 cases of convulsions, vomiting, irritated eyes and other symptoms among children in Japan.