Province reduces regulatory burden for truck and forestry industries

By Danielle McCreadie

Road reclassifications to allow efficient truck axle configurations will help make the trucking and forestry industries in Nova Scotia more competitive.

“The department has worked with the trucking and forestry industries to identify undue regulatory barriers,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Lloyd Hines in a news release.

“Not only do these changes reduce regulatory burden but they will also decrease greenhouse gas emissions by reducing fuel consumption.”

The change allows B-trains – two trailers linked together by a fifth wheel – to travel on additional roads, enabling the movement of more materials at one time.

This configuration reduces damage to roads as the weight is spread out over more axles.

“We're always trying to align the Atlantic provinces in terms of weight and dimension configurations,” said Jean Marc Piccard, Executive Director Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association. 

“This is also something that we've been lobbying for in order to be…more competitive,” said Piccard in an interview with NEWS 95.7. 

This change represents annual savings of $7 million to the industries. It contributes to government’s $25 million red tape reduction target.

Government expects the change to become effective by next fall.

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