Campaign highlights the benefits of immigration in Nova Scotia

A new campaign highlighting the benefits of immigration in the region comes in the wake of a widely discussed billboard that appeared in HRM.

Three organizations have purchased billboard spots throughout the city looking to spread a positive message.

The Halifax Chamber of Commerce, ISANS and EduNova are rolling out five messages across nine electronic billboards in Halifax. 


One messages explains 15,000 international students come to the province each year, contributing $400 million to the economy. 

Patrick Sullivan, president of the Halifax Chamber, says the campaign aims to shed misconceptions some people might have on immigration.

He tells NEWS 95.7 this will be discussed with political parties ahead of the fall federal election.

“We would tell all parties that is the message they need to hear,” said Sullivan. “I believe in their heart of hearts, every one of them knows that we need new immigration in Nova Scotia.”

This comes in the wake of billboards featuring an endorsement of People's Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier, with the message “say no to mass immigration”.