SPCA to re-open for adoptions by appointment only
Posted May 9, 2020 05:09:00 PM.
Starting Tuesday, May 12 you will once again be able to visit the Nova Scotia SPCA to adopt an animal in need of a new home.
Each shelter will be taking up to five appointments per day, according to a press release.
If you're interested in adopting, the SPCA recommends checking out their animals available online to find a pet that fits in your household.
Then you can fill out a form and complete a screening questionnaire about whether you're feeling sick or have travelled recently.
“A matching process will consider the pet’s needs so animals have the best chance of being successfully placed in permanent homes,” says the SPCA.
The shelter will then give you a call and set up an appointment for you to come in and meet your new pet.
“We want to keep staff, animals and adopters safe during this difficult time,” says Sandra Flemming, Provincial Director for Animal Care at the Nova Scotia SPCA.
“Only people with an appointment will be admitted to the building. The appointments will be spaced to allow for appropriate cleaning between visitors. We trust the public will respect our need to find good homes for our pets while maintaining social distance and limiting contact for essential animal care staff.”
The SPCA encourages people to be sure they're ready to adopt a new pet during the pandemic and long-term.
“What is your financial situation going to be in the uncertain future? Will you have the time for this pet if you’ve been off work or working from home when you eventually return to work in the future?” says their site.
For more information, visit https://www.novascotiaspca.ca/adoptionprocess/.