Have a library card? You can print stuff for free at your local branch

If you have documents you need to print, you can now head to your local library branch.

Halifax Public Libraries is now offering every cardholder $5 in printing credits per month.

A post to halifaxpubliclibraries.ca says the aim is to limit face-to-face transactions during COVID-19.


“This decision is rooted in health and safety, and also works to remove barriers to accessing library services,” the post said.

The credits reset to $5 at the start of each month, meaning the amount will not accumulate, and they are not transferable to other cardholders.

Printing in black and white will use 10 cents worth of credits for a single-sided page and 20 cents for a double-sided page. In colour, 25 cents will be used for a single-sided page and 50 cents for a double-sided page.

More information can be found on the Halifax Public Libraries website.

Earlier this month, Halifax Public Libraries announced it had eliminated overdue fines.