Local mathematician launches website to help Nova Scotians easily find available COVID vaccine appointments

By Chris Halef

A local mathematician wants to make it easier for you to find an available COVID-19 vaccine appointment.

Gabor Lukacs, best known for founding advocacy group Air Passenger Rights, believes Nova Scotia's booking system isn't user-friendly so he launched vaccine.topgroups.ca.

“This was born out of frustration over not being able to find the information we were looking for,” said Lukacs.

According to Lukacs, his website provides the information that people need.

“You tell me which type of vaccine you want, you tell me which area of Nova Scotia you are, how much you're willing to travel and the website gives you the earliest appointment for your preferred vaccine, within the range of distance that you want, ranked based on time and distance,” he said.

The province's website lists information based on distance from your home address, so Lukacs' makes it easier to find the first available appointment.

COVID-19 vaccination appointments still need to be made online through Nova Scotia's website or by phone at 1-833-797-7772.

Lukacs says he attempted to reach out to CANImmunize, which runs the provincial site, to offer any help he could, but he has received no response.

“I would have been happy to work with them for the public good to make sure people can book things more efficiently,” said Lukacs.

He's still very open to exploring how to turn the website into something bigger and better for the public and he welcomes those with programming expertise to reach out to him.

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