Province bans blockades on highway near New Brunswick border
The province has banned protests that block Highway 104 near the border with New Brunswick.
The directive was issued Friday under the Emergency Management Act.
“The directive also applies to people who stop or gather alongside Highway 104, the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border, or at the Cobequid Pass toll area in support of the 2022 Freedom Convoy, the Atlantic Hold the Line event, or others organized to interfere with traffic,” it said in a news release.
“Allowing people to gather in those areas would put themselves and others at risk.”
Fines for violating the directive range from 3,000 to $10,000 for individuals and between $20,000 and $100,000 for a corporation.
“Individuals or other entities who finance, organize, aid or encourage blocking the highway could also be fined,” the province stated.
Sanctioned construction crews and on-duty law enforcement officers are exempt from the directive, which will stay in place for as long as the provincial state of emergency continues.
However, the province added blocking a road or highway is also an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada.