Halifax Regional Police mark Human Trafficking Awareness Day

February 22 is Human Trafficking Awareness Day and the integrated Human Trafficking Team wants victims of human trafficking to know that police are here to help.

Our first priority is the safety of victims. Members of the Human Trafficking Team work with community partners to support victims, address their specific needs and get them to safety. Victims will be treated with dignity and respect and their safety will remain our primary goal. We want to assure victims that the decision to participate in the investigation is theirs and we will respect their wishes.

Human trafficking is a criminal offence that involves controlling, forcing, intimidating, or deceiving a person of any age in order to exploit them through various forms of sexual exploitation or forced labour. Investigators in the Human Trafficking Team focus on targeting those who are responsible for coercing people into the sex trade.


We need the public’s assistance to stop the exploitation of people in our community.

If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking:

If you witness suspicious activity you think may be linked to human trafficking, you should:

For more information on the human trafficking, visit:
