Houston continues to enjoy one of the highest premier approval ratings in Canada

By Meghan Groff

Premier Tim Houston continues to enjoy one of the highest premier approval ratings in the country.

According to the latest quarterly poll from Angus Reid, 53 per cent of Nova Scotians are satisfied with the performance of the Progressive Conservatives' leader. 

Although still favourable, Houston's rating had been on a downward slide from a high of 73 per cent in March, then 62 per cent in June, reaching 53 per cent in September, which he has now maintained.

That places Houston third in the country with only Quebec's Francois Legault and Saskatchewan's Scott Moe ranking above him.

Angus Reid credits Houston's handling of the carbon taxation flap with the federal government as a reason behind Nova Scotians continued support of the premier.

“Premier Tim Houston of Nova Scotia received notice from the Trudeau Liberal government that a carbon tax would be implemented in the province next year after Houston and his government decided not to develop its own full plan,” the polling company said.

“The federal environment minister described the decision as 'baffling', while Houston noted that the province submitted their own version of a plan, saying 'it wouldn't have mattered if Einstein put a plan in for Nova Scotia, it was not going to be accepted.'”

A recent poll by Narrative Research also found Nova Scotians are satisfied with the performance of the Progressive Conservatives.

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