N.S. burn ban lifted

Posted Jun 13, 2023 03:45:26 PM.
Last Updated Jun 13, 2023 03:54:21 PM.
Provincial authorities lifted the provincewide burn ban and remaining restrictions on travel and activities in the woods as of 3 p.m. Tuesday.
“Now that all wildfires in Nova Scotia are under control, we’re comfortable lifting the provincewide burn ban and restrictions on entering the woods,” said Tory Rushton, Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables. “This does not mean we’re any less vigilant about fire safety. Everyone has a responsibility to prevent forest fires and keep their fellow Nova Scotians safe. That’s why we have the burn-safe map which tells Nova Scotians when they can and cannot burn.”
The provincewide burn ban, which was initially announced on May 29, was implemented in addition to restrictions that had been in place since March 15. Although the ban has been lifted, certain limitations still apply. Burning is still prohibited from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., but may be allowed after 2 p.m. based on local conditions. To determine if burning is permitted in their area, individuals can refer to the burn-safe website after 2 p.m. It is also crucial for residents to be aware of municipal bylaws governing burning.
Despite the relaxation of restrictions, it is essential for everyone to remain vigilant and prevent forest fires, ensuring the safety of their fellow Nova Scotians. The fine for burning when not permitted remains at $25,000, underscoring the seriousness of non-compliance with the regulations. By following the rules and practicing responsible fire management, individuals can help maintain a safe environment.