No official word on cost to roads, bridges after weekend floods

By Steve Gow

Nova Scotia’s Minister of Public Works says there is no official estimate yet for the damage sustained in last weekend’s torrential rainstorm and floods.

However, Kim Masland does estimate the figure to be in the tens of millions.

She made the comments following cabinet on Thursday.

Her department says it has repaired nearly 500 sections of damaged roads and 60 road shoulders so far but the cost estimate is still questionable.

“We haven’t assessed the full extent of the damage yet,” Masland stated. “Still in some places, we have rivers where we (should) have roads.”

“We are still getting calls from folks that have come across a secondary road that has been damaged so it is really hard to say what the damage is right now,” she continued. “But of course, we will be tallying it all up and asking the federal government for assistance.”

According to the province, crews have also replaced 62 culverts as of Thursday, but there were still about 20 provincial road closures.

That is down from nearly 60 on Saturday.

Masland says seven bridges will need to be replaced.

She says reopening Highway 103 is a priority with about 10,000 vehicles a day being rerouted along Trunk 3 due to significant damage to Goat Lake Bridge.

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