Mount Saint Vincent Faculty Association votes to strike

Posted Dec 8, 2023 03:32:29 PM.
Last Updated Dec 10, 2023 09:35:48 PM.
The Mount Saint Vincent Faculty Association (MSVUFA) voted overwhelmingly in favour of a strike mandate.
In a release, the MSVUFA said 97 per cent voted, supporting their bargaining team as it heads into conciliation with the employer next month.
“After approximately 75 hours and given that the collective agreement expired months ago and that the last full round of negotiations was in 2018, the MSVUFA expected that it would have reached an agreement with the Board of Governors by now,” the association said in a statement.
“The MSVUFA has tabled its full package of proposals, including financial ones, and while both parties have continued to negotiate language that has no direct financial implications, the Board of Governors has consistently refused to table its financial package, making it impossible to make meaningful progress towards concluding a fair and reasonable Agreement in a timely manner.”
The union represents all full-time faculty, librarians and lab instructors at the school.