Nova Scotia asks for input on potential spring bear hunt

Posted Jan 24, 2024 02:08:50 PM.
Last Updated Jan 24, 2024 02:08:54 PM.
There could potentially be a spring bear hunt in the province if enough people support the idea.
Natural Resources and Renewables is seeking feedback from Nova Scotians to determine how they feel about having a spring bear hunt.
Residents can provide their feedback on a survey on the provinces website until Feb. 24.
Currently, bear hunting is only permitted in the fall. Nova Scotia is the only province with a black bear population without a spring bear hunt, according to the department.
Should the pilot project go ahead, the spring hunting season for bears would run in May and June for five weeks. Sunday hunting would not be allowed and only bears without cubs could be taken. The hunt would only be open to Nova Scotians and hunters would be required to report their hunt.
Data collected from the pilot hunt would assist the department with making decisions about future spring bear hunting seasons.
Minister Tory Rushton says feedback from Nova Scotians will help the department run this proposed hunt in a safe and responsible manner.
The survey can be found here: