RCMP stop vehicle stunt driving in Timberlea

A 21-year-old Bedford, N.S. man paid almost $2,500 in fines after being caught stunt driving.
The RCMP Halifax Regional Detachment stopped the driver on Highway 103 at 11:30 p.m. on April 28.
Police said the BMW i8 was observed travelling 248 km/h in a 110 km/h zone. A traffic stop was completed with the vehicle, police said in a press release.
The driver was charged with stunting, which is defined as any person operating a motor vehicle on a highway in a race, in a contest or while performing a stunt. A person driving 50 km/h over the speed limit may be charged with stunting, the RCMP website reads.
In Nova Scotia, stunting carries a $2,422.50 fine for first-time offenders, six license demerit points and an immediate seven-day driver’s license suspension.