Labour group calls for an increase in paid domestic leave days in N.S.
Posted Apr 25, 2024 05:27:22 AM.
Last Updated Apr 25, 2024 10:28:10 AM.
There are new calls for Nova Scotia to provide workers with more leave to support victims of domestic violence.
President of the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour, Danny Cavanagh, says the province needs to provide at least five days of paid domestic leave for all workers, aligning itself with most other provinces.
“Victims of domestic abuse are faced with a multitude of challenges. Worrying about losing pay or even their job should not be one of them,” Cavanagh said. “Offering paid domestic leave is about acknowledging and addressing these challenges.”
Cavanagh calls paid domestic leave a critical provision that provides victims of domestic abuse the space to get help and make arrangements for their safety without having to worry about the financial concerns of missing work.
“Five days can make a significant difference in the lives of those seeking to escape domestic abuse,” Cavanagh said. “It’s about giving them the time and financial support they need to make necessary changes, and we call on the Minister of Justice, Barbara Adams, to do the right thing and change three days to five.”
The federation said Nova Scotia currently offers three days of paid leave but it should be increased to five. It says most provinces provide at least that many days.