Dalhousie University reports 8 presumptive COVID cases
Posted Dec 11, 2021 07:08:38 PM.
Dalhousie University has announced that it has identified eight presumptive COVID-19 cases, most of which are from students living in the school's residences.
Through rapid testing, five cases have been found from students living at Howe Hall on Coburg Road and one has been found from a student living in Risley Hall on Lemarchant street.
Each of the students have been instructed to take PCR tests and are currently in self-isolation.
In an update released on Dec. 11, the university says it's also aware of two positive COVID-19 cases from students living off-campus.
Moreover, the university says its registrar's office has confirmed that none of the eight students have attended in-person exams.
“While we know this news is concerning, our Residence and Student Affairs teams are prepared for this and are here to support our students and our broader community,” acting assistant vice-provost of student affairs Emily Huner says in the update.
Dalhousie University says it's asked all residence students in Halifax and Truro to complete rapid COVID-19 tests over the weekend, one on Saturday and one on Sunday.
“The suspension of guest privileges in residence has now been extended to also include guests from other residences,” the update adds. “Residents have been asked to limit or eliminate social contact and stick only to their designated dining hall.”
In-person examinations will still continue, but anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 “is not to attend” along with anyone who shows symptoms.
The university is also encouraging everyone in its community to take advantage of asymptomatic rapid testing.
“We will share more information with our university community as soon as we are able to,” the update says.