Rapid test kits returning to schools and libraries
Posted Jan 31, 2022 08:45:00 PM.
Now that the province is receiving more rapid COVID-19 tests, Nova Scotia Health is working to distribute them to the public through community access points.
It says students and staff of public, private and First Nations schools will be getting a supply for the month of February as part of the Test to Protect program.
And libraries will also be getting kits.
There are some rapid testing pop-ups scheduled this week at both Halifax Central Library and the Alderney Gate Building.
“For both branches, you can find the entrance by going around to the back of the buildings,” says Halifax Public Libraries' website.
You can find out the dates and times here.
In addition, Halifax Public Libraries has set up a “grab and go” schedule at several branches throughout HRM where one kit can be picked up per person while supplies last.
You can find that schedule here.
“Kits will be handed out first come, first served during the weekly pick-up times,” HPL says. “Library staff will not take appointments or reserve kits for you.”
One place you will no longer find rapid tests is at the airport. Nova Scotia Health says that's because the focus is now on community distribution.
And Nova Scotia Health is still encouraging those who have symptoms or who are close contacts to go through the online assessment to book a PCR test (if eligible) or rapid test.
“This remains the primary source of COVID-19 testing in Nova Scotia and remains the priority for supply,” it said.
Nova Scotia Health's important reminders:
- Tests are limited to one kit per person and supply is based on availability.
- For most people, testing is only needed if you have symptoms are identified as a close contact of someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
- Employers and businesses should not require people to get tested.
- Most people should not be using rapid tests regularly just to feel safe.
- Please only get what you need so that your fellow community members will also have what they need.
- Be kind to those giving out the rapid tests – their supply is limited and they have no control over availability.