Over 1,000 take advantage of early voting in Sackville-Cobequid byelection

By CityNews Halifax Staff

With one week remaining until election day, June 18, more voters in Sackville-Cobequid have taken advantage of early voting opportunities to cast their ballot in the current by-election than they did in the 2017 Provincial General Election (PGE).

As of noon today, 1,122 people from Sackville-Cobequid have voted in the by-election.

At the same time in the last PGE, 901 people from the electoral district of Sackville-Cobequid had voted.

“The trend of voting before election day continues to grow,” says Chief Electoral Officer, Richard Temporale. “Increased opportunities to vote in the returning office continuous poll, the advance poll, and with a write-in ballot team visiting the homes of people who cannot make it to a poll, have contributed to the rise in early voting.”

No advance poll was held in Sackville-Cobequid during the previous PGE. However, eligible voters from that district could vote early in other districts because Nova Scotia has a vote anywhere system for early voting in general elections. 

The trend of early voting may not necessarily result in greater voter turnout by the end of the by-election. By-elections traditionally have lower voter turnout. In the 2017 PGE 51% of eligible voters in Sackville-Cobequid voted.

The advance poll for the current by-election is being held this week at the Knights of Columbus Council, 252 Cobequid Road. The advance poll is open all this week from 9am-6pm until Saturday, June 15, with extended hours until 8pm on Thursday, June 13 and Friday, June 14. Eligible voters in Sackville-Cobequid can also cast their ballot early at the returning office located at 585 Sackville Drive every day except this Sunday up to and including election day.

For more information about the Sackville-Cobequid by-election, please visit electionsnovascotia.ca, or on Twitter @electionsns and Facebook at facebook.com/electionsnovascotia.

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