‘Wake-up call for humanity’: climate change report urges action
Posted Aug 14, 2021 04:59:00 PM.
A new global report indicates that it's too late for humans to completely avoid the impacts of climate change, but there's still some time where emergency action will alleviate many of its effects.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — a United Nations-sponsored body that periodically releases a review of the world's current climate science — released its sixth assessment report on Monday.
At 3,949 pages long, 234 scientists from around the world reviewed 14,000 studies and analyzed a massive array of climate model simulations over the last three years.
Some of its main points include the fact that humans have had an unequivocal influence on causing climate change and that it's too late for humanity to completely avoid the impacts.
“We have heard this before but I don't think we've heard it as clearly or as urgently as in the past,” Kelsey Lane, the Ecology Action Centre's senior climate policy coordinator, said. “Of course, every IPCC report that has come out on climate change has indicated that we need urgent action, but this one — in particular — is extremely concerning.”
The #IPCC released its latest #ClimateReport today, #ClimateChange 2021: the Physical Science Basis.
“The role of human influence on the climate system is undisputed.” – Working Group I Co-Chair @valmasdel
Report ➡️ https://t.co/uU8bb4inBB
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