City staff want taxes to go up

The Audit and Finance Committee is discussing possible changes to the way rates are set for residential and commercial taxes.

It’s one of many discussions before the development of the 2013/14 budget.

Staff put forward a recommendation that taxes be established that represent a rise equivalent to CPI plus 1%, and it has been accepted.


Vice chair of the committee Barry Dalrymple says these recommendations are just a baseline starting point.

“That does not mean, by any means that we are suggesting an increase in taxes,” he explains. “Property assessments, the value, property assessment tax roles, which we don’t even get until this Friday, all of these things need to be figured in.”

In that same motion, staff have been asked to come back to project figures and numbers at 0% increase as well.

CAO Richard Butts says it will be interesting work that will help inform council’s decision.

“Our role is to do the work, provide the advice and we’ll look for their direction,” says Butts.


Another topic that sparked discussion today is changes to the commercial tax rate.

Dalrymple says discussions from today are just to give staff direction, so they can look at different options and come back with figures for council and the committee.