Local advocate calling on Halifax Regional Police to step up help with PTSD

HALIFAX – A local veterans advocate is calling on Halifax Regional Police to step up and do more to help it’s officers dealing with post traumatic stress disorder.

Two police officers have come forward with allegations that their requests for access to care out of province was turned down by the department.

Peter Stoffer said it’s only right that these people have access to all of the available tools they need to return to work.


Stoffer adds people like police officers put their lives on the line everyday, and when they are diagnosed with something like PTSD, we should do everything possible to help.

“I think we should be able to find the funds to be able to do that,” said Stoffer. “We owe it to these men and women, who protect us on a daily basis, to get the very best care they can possibly get in order to get back on with their lives and hopefully back to work.”

Last week, HRP chief Jean Michel Blais said that his police department has a very robust system and are able to help a lot of our people, but in some cases, some aren’t very happy with the results and believe that they should be able to get more help.

Unfortunately, he said the department is not able to do that.