Documentary focusing on decades-old unsolved death to screen at Atlantic Film Festival

In August 2016, a man named Bernie Langille was the guest curator of a now defunct Twitter account called “People of Halifax”. During that time, he posted the details of his grandfather's unsolved death, which happened in 1968.

Now his story has been turned into a documentary by a local filmmaker.

Jackie Torrens has made the short documentary called “Bernie Langille wants to know who killed Bernie Langille”. It tells the mysterious story of the death of Langille's grandfather.


Torrens said in February of 1968, Bernie's wife went to bed alone, but found him when she woke up.

“In the middle of the night, Annie wakes up to find her husband laying beside her in a pool of blood,” Torrens explained. “He died two days later in a Halifax hospital.”

There were two military boards of inquiry, but those just left the family with more questions. 

A unique part of this movie is that the set, the Langille's home, is faithfully recreated using miniatures.

The documentary is part of the Atlantic International Film Festival. It will be screened this Sunday evening.