Former St. Pat’s High School site sold to developer for $37 million

Earlier this year, Halifax Regional Municipality quietly sold the 3.3 acre site that used to be St. Patrick's High School on Quinpool Road for more than $37 million.

St. Pat's closed 13 years ago, and HRM declared the building surplus in 2014. It was torn down in 2015, and the prime real estate at the corner of Quinpool Road, and Windsor Street has been sitting empty for the last five years, and is used as a public green space.

According to Global News, council approved the sale to BANC Investments at an in camera meeting January 14th for a total price of $37.6 million. BANC Investments is a company operated by Besim, and Alex Halef.


The design will be shaped by the recently passed municipal Centre Plan – meaning it will be a largely residential project, with some commercial space facing Quinpool Road. The building is also restricted in it's height to 90 metres, which translates to approximately 30 storeys.