Russell Walker not reoffering in upcoming municipal election
When October rolls around, another long-time councillor's name will not be on the ballot.
Halifax – Bedford Basin West's Russell Walker has announced he will not be seeking re-election.
The District 10 representative was first elected to Halifax City Council in a by-election in January, 1994, and has continued serving the area through amalgamation and boundary changes for eight terms.
“The support from residents has impacted this journey in a positive way and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with everyone in the District for what will be 27 years at the end of this term,” said Russell in a news release.
In that time, he's sat on several committees, boards and commissions, including the Water Commission for 12 years, HRM Grants for 26 years, and the Audit and Finance Committee for 20 years.
Russell also served 12 years with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and 18 years with the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities, including two terms as president of the latter.
He lists sidewalk snow clearing, the reconstruction of Julie's Pond, the Canada Games Centre and the Dutch Village Road Plan to make the area more walkable and livable as some of his accomplishments.
“As a resident of District 10 for 54 years, I look forward to continuing to serve my community in other capacities and through volunteer work,” he said.
Stephen Adams (Spryfield-Sambro Loop-Prospect Road), Bill Karsten (Dartmouth South-Eastern Passage), and Lorelei Nicoll (Cole Harbour-Westphal) have all already announced they will not be reoffering in the upcoming election.
District 13's Matt Whitman will not be seeking re-election in Hammonds Plains-St. Margarets, as he is running for mayor of the municipality against incumbent Mike Savage.
The municipal election is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 17.