Halifax Jazz Festival to be an online event this year

The start of the TD Halifax Jazz Festival is a month away, but for the second consecutive year there will be no in-person event for music lovers.

“We had full intentions of being back on the Halifax waterfront this summer,” a notice on the festival’s website says.

“For the health and safety of the performers, our team and the community, the 2021 (jazz festival) will be presented online via various streaming platforms,” it says.


Organizers have set aside July 3 to Aug. 15 for the online content. It’s the festival’s 35th year, although last year’s event was scrapped due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Details on performances are to be released in the coming weeks, the festival’s website says.

Following an outbreak of COVID-19, which included fatalities, the first stage of the provincial government’s multi-phase relaxing of virus-related restrictions started on Wednesday.

The province declared a state of emergency on March 22, 2020, and it is still in effect – at least until June 13.

Jazz fest officials say they’ll “continue to use music to connect us with our Halifax Jazz Festival community.”


This will be done virtually, “to keep our festival safe and to protect the health and safety of those who create (the events) and attend them,” the website says.

For more information, go to halifaxjazzfestival.ca.

Michael Lightstone is a freelance reporter living in Dartmouth