Podcast: The Todd Veinotte Show September 22nd, 2023

Hour 1: Garreth MacDonald, the voice of the Mooseheads, joins Todd to share the Mooseheads season opener. Gary MacLeod, Chair Advocates for the Care of the Elderly, The ACE Team, and Paul Jenkinson, ACE Team Communications Coordinator, share how the ACE Team sent an open letter to Premier Houston calling for Minister Barbara Adams to focus solely on seniors and long-term care. Weekly chat with Tim Powers, Summa Strategies, Abacus Data. Ian Lee, a business professor at Carleton University, discusses the World Petroleum Congress this week in Calgary.

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Hour 2: It’s the Friday Free For All. Todd takes your calls!

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Hour 3: Barry Eidlin, a labour expert who studies social movements at McGill University, answers why unions have had a ‘summer of strikes’. Will Balser, the Ecology Action Centre’s coastal adaption coordinator, shares how proximity to the sea is becoming increasingly costly and dangerous. El Jones, a well-known community activist and educator, was chairperson of the committee created to define what it means to defund the police and discusses the commander of the Nova Scotia RCMP says his force’s planned apology to the province’s Black community for street checks should have occurred some time ago. Sports with Cecil Wright.

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