Police search for suspect after robbery at Halifax Sobeys

A man made off with some money in a robbery at a grocery store in Halifax on Sunday.

According to Halifax Regional Police, a man in a checkout lane at about 5:45 p.m. at the Windsor Street Sobeys told the cashier he had a firearm and demanded money.

“No firearm was seen, and the man fled the store when confronted by security,” police said in a news release.


Officials say the suspect then went into the Smoke Shop next to the grocery store and again threatened that he had a firearm. He made off with a “quantity of money” on a bicycle.

No firearm was actually seen during the second incident either, and police say neither employee involved was physically injured.

The suspect is described as a white man around 40 years old with a slim build and brown hair. He was wearing a grey hooded shirt, blue jeans, a ball cap and a medical face mask at the time.

Anyone with information is asked to reach out to police or Crime Stoppers.