Fourth business joins Nova Centre legal action

The number of businesses intending to take legal action against Nova Centre stakeholders has grown to four.

A news release from Wagners Law Firm said Wendy Friedman of the Biscuit General Store is joining the owners of The Wooden Monkey, The Carleton Music Bar & Grill and Attica Furnishing, looking to recover losses they say are due to the convention centre construction.

“During this time several surrounding business have endured excessive construction delays, closures of streets and sidewalks, significantly reduced street parking and pedestrian traffic, dirt, noise, dust and vibration from drilling and blasting, traffic congestion, and even utilities such as water and power being cut off with little notice,” the release said.


“As a result, paying customers and patrons have gone elsewhere to avoid the inhospitable area, resulting in lost sales.”

The law firm said damages would be determined by the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board if the parties cannot agree on compensation through negotiation proceedings.

The news release said municipal, provincial and federal governments have received notice of the intended legal action, as well as Argyle Developments Inc., its parent company Rank Incorporated and Halifax Convention Centre Corporation.